COVID one year later
Where we’ve been, where we’re going
In a time marked by social distancing, we stayed present to those communities we serve – and our ability to have done it (to do it still!) is thanks to our supporters: our donors, our partners, our advocates and our friends. We are on the road because of you. We distributed over 4 million lbs. of food last year – the most ever in our 10-year history – because of you. We did it while taking measures to keep our team and community members safe.
As we enter into our second decade of service, we will continue to prioritize addressing the health, environmental and economic impact of waste while working to meet the need for fresh, healthy food. As ever, hunger isn’t a problem of supply (there’s still plenty to go around); it’s a problem of access and distribution – and tackling it has never felt so urgent.
Ashley Stanley, Founder/Executive Director
Photo by Edward Boches