Our impact

Over 30 Million Pounds and Counting

Since 2010, Spoonfuls has kept over 30 million pounds of good food out of landfills. (That’s enough for more than 24 million meals.) This year, we’re on track to recover more than 5 million pounds of food. See below for more information about how our core food recovery operations benefit people, planet, and the economy.


Neighbors across Massachusetts
received the food we recovered last year alone


The number of Metric Tons of CO2 equivalent we prevented from being released into the atmosphere in 2023 (That’s like 2,183 round trip drives from Boston to San Fransisco!)

$9.1 M

The value of food we distributed
to community organizations last year


Enables our team to recover
a pound of food


Over 90% of what we recover is fresh food. These are the foods that are some of the most expensive, most out of reach, and most in-demand by people facing food insecurity.

Boxes of food donated to Boston area food recovery organization Lovin Spoonfuls.


Uneaten food consumes 6% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions (ReFED). By keeping food from entering the waste stream, Spoonfuls expects to prevent another 5,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent from being emitted into the atmosphere in 2024.


Wasted food is a waste of money, too. It costs the U.S. about $310 billion each year – and the vast majority of what’s wasted, 76%, is perishable food (ReFED). Last year, we kept the value in $9.1 million worth of food by ensuring it reached programs and people who could make good use of it. Plus, with Spoonfuls picking up and distributing food at no cost to either food retailers or community organizations, our retail partners receive a tax incentive for their donations while organizational partners are able to devote less of their limited budgets to food.

impact spotlight

“Our partnership with Spoonfuls has been very important to our member agencies and the food recovery work we do at The Food Bank. Some of our member agencies don’t have the capacity to pick up perishable donations because they don’t have a refrigerated vehicle and/or have limited staff resources to make pick ups at the frequency required.”

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