Keep Our Mission Moving Forward in 2019
As the year comes to a close, we count on the optimism and good faith efforts of the community around us. From you, our supporters, partners, and allies, we look for solutions we can build and implement together as we all fight for social justice. Please consider a year-end gift in support of the work we have been doing.
2018 brought tremendous growth and results for Lovin’ Spoonfuls, and I’m proud to share with you that we have now rescued and distributed more than 11 million pounds of fresh, healthy food — food we’re keeping out of landfills and placing in the hands of families who need it most. With your continued support, we can build on this important work in 2019.
Our passionate team of Food Rescue Coordinators collectively rescue and distribute more than 65,000 pounds of food each week, reaching over 30,000 children, women, men, and seniors who don’t have adequate access to nutrition. Across our 6 routes, we’ve created a network of partners that includes over 200 vendors and beneficiaries, allowing us to feed veterans, recovering addicts, and folks facing the all-too-common struggle of feeding themselves while keeping up with the rising cost of living. In that spirit, we’ve incorporated new communication strategies with our partners, including Impact Reports that highlight outcomes for both our Vendors and our Beneficiaries.
We are always learning more about the impact of our work. Our model is designed to create efficiency and remove barriers that often keep systems from working optimally. Our waiting list continues to grow, with vendors wanting to participate and upcycle their resources, and beneficiaries who desperately need our services. We remain committed to bridging the ever growing gap between abundance and need. We’ve engaged new software systems across the organization, including upgraded inventory and routing systems allowing for better optimization across departments and on the road.
Throughout the year we’ve seen incredible support and collaboration with our elected officials, from celebrating our 10 million pound milestone with Mayor Walsh at Rosie’s Place, to hosting Congresswoman Katherine Clark for a ride along through Melrose & Chelsea. We worked with the Baker Administration and Rep. Jose Tosado to secure critical funds for our Hampden County expansion, as well as Congressman McGovern for potential work in Worcester County. Senator Elizabeth Warren was given the 5th annual Thomas M. Menino Award for Leadership, and we look forward to collaborating with our Representatives statewide as we continue our work to serve the Commonwealth.
All the way back in April we cheered on Board Member Adam Amontea and Chef George Mendes as they raised over $30k for Lovin’ Spoonfuls during the wettest and stormiest Boston Marathon in recent memory! We’re proud to have welcomed additional Board Members this year, including Elizabeth and James Eisenstein of The Smithsonian and GruppoTor respectively, and Adam Kahn of Foley & Hoag. Our Friends of Lovin’ Spoonfuls Advisory Board has grown to serve the Friends group of more than 60 committed individuals.
We welcomed new chefs and their restaurants to our Ultimate Tailgate last month. Our Season workshops have been a hit, and we’re excited to partner with our friends at the BCAE for our 2019 workshops! We also introduced our Plenty workshops at the corporate level, for businesses and groups wanting to experience our educational programming that we offer to our beneficiaries. Not only are they fantastic classes, they directly support our educational efforts in the community.
Moving into 2019, we are in an exciting place. New team members, new partners and new goals inspire us to continue refining and improving our systems, for better outcomes and a broader range of service. Looking ahead, there is much to be done, more ground to cover, more food to rescue, and more people to feed. As we head into a new year and reflect on all that it may bring, we will continue to consider our planet, its people, and the social service sector that supports them in all that we do.
Please stay in touch with us, and follow what we’re doing right here as we proudly introduce our brand new website! There will be lots of opportunities to help us — from Board Membership, information sessions, joining our Friends group, talks and lectures, opportunities to host fundraisers, supporting our Boston Marathon team, and countless other ways to get involved…we are grateful for your support.
Please consider a year-end gift. There are many ways to support the organization at any level. Your impact is essential, immediate and direct. Please consider supporting our work to keep our trucks on the road, and our mission moving forward. Every dollar goes tremendously far at Lovin’ Spoonfuls.
Make a year-end donation here.
With gratitude and warmest wishes for a happy and healthy New Year,
Ashley Stanley
Founder & Executive Director