Off the Road: With Becca Handford

September 13, 2021 Updated: January 23, 2024

Get to know Becca Handford, one of Lovin’ Spoonfuls’ Operations Coordinators, in this Q&A.

How long have you been in your current role?

In July of this year, I became the second Operations Coordinator but was a Food Rescue Coordinator for about two and a half years before that. 

What do you do in your job? How does it help Lovin’ Spoonfuls?

I support our Food Rescue Coordinators from behind-the-scenes by finding homes for excess food, connecting with potential new partners, managing vendor and beneficiary relationships, and generally triaging any on-the-road issues as they arise.

What’s the most gratifying part of your job? 

Searching for more organizations to partner with and more food to rescue. At the end of the day, I know there is worth in the work that I do, and that through seemingly small ways, I am still able to help increase food accessibility through the work I do.

Tell us about one partner you met this year – vendor or non-profit – that inspired you. How come?

I just had the pleasure of meeting Adeola from the Somali Development Center and the team at the Boston Islamic Center and was just so inspired by all the work they do for their community. It’s not easy work starting a food distribution program in the midst of a pandemic, but they’ve done it and are making such a wonderful impact for those they are serving. 

If you weren’t an Operations Coordinator, what would you be doing instead?

If I wasn’t Operations Coordinator at Spoonfuls, I think I still would have ended up doing some sort of nonprofit work. I’ve always been passionate about work that directly correlates to change, so I can’t really see myself doing anything other than social services or community organizing work.

What’s your favorite way to lower your own food waste?

I try my best to use every part of whatever I use in my kitchen. For example, if I cook with broccoli, I can use the florets in something like a stir fry, grind the stems into broccoli rice to bulk up a risotto, and then add the broccoli leaves to a bag of spring mix for a salad. I am always on the lookout for creative ways to use every part of my ingredients so there is minimal food waste coming out of my kitchen.

Tell us one little-known fact about you. 

I worked at a florist/garden center/farm for four summers during college before coming to Spoonfuls, so I know how to make a killer floral arrangement.

Learn more about Becca Handford and the other members of Team Lovin’ on our staff page.

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