Welcome, Stephen!

Team Lovin’ recently added a new Food Rescue Coordinator to our team. Get to know Stephen Loverde in this Q&A.

How did you arrive at Lovin’ Spoonfuls?
Originally from New York, my first experience with Boston came as a Boston College student. After graduating, I returned to New York and began working in the environmental consulting industry. I had the very fortunate opportunity to move back to Boston over the summer, and learned about the efforts and successes of Lovin’ Spoonfuls.
Tell us about your background! How did you become interested in food rescue?
While in college, I studied sustainable agriculture as part of my environmental science program. This experience opened my eyes to the very real problems plaguing our food system. After college, I worked to create a community outreach program with my consulting firm. One of our focuses was partnering with a local food bank, Long Island Cares. After seeing firsthand the monumental need for food within my community, I chose to leave my consulting job and work full-time with Long Island Cares as a part of their COVID-19 Response Program. I knew from that point on I wanted to work to ensure that everyone has the right to good food. Since moving back to Boston, I discovered the thriving food rescue scene, and found it to be the perfect synthesis of my food access and sustainability interests.
What passions do you bring to the job?
I have a strong passion for fair access to good, fresh food and a love of social justice. I also have a commitment to reducing my personal carbon footprint, and enjoy looking for new sustainable life hacks. In my spare time, my passions include curling up with a good book, drinking way too much coffee, playing with my dog (Pasta!) and listening to NPR.
Have there been any surprises for you in the food you’ve rescued so far?
There haven’t been any items in particular that have truly surprised me so far. However, I am struck by the sheer volume of food that we are able to rescue everyday.
Do your friends/family consider you a good cook? Any signature recipes?
“Good” might be a stretch, but I am definitely a functional cook. My partner is a far better cook than I, but I am an attentive sous-chef and dishwasher. I do, however, enjoy baking (massive sweet tooth), and love to scour cookbooks in search of new recipes.
What would we find in your fridge now?
Miscellaneous fruits and veggies, depending on the season. Leftovers from last night (or several days ago…). An assortment of jams to complement homemade biscuits. A homegrown sourdough starter.
What’s your favorite childhood food memory?
Growing up, we would always spend a week or two in Cape Cod visiting my grandparents. These trips were full of beach time, ice cream, BBQs, mini-golf, and family. And although nothing in particular was special about any singular trip there, each and every one was irreplaceable. I still can’t drive by a mini-golf course without a pang of nostalgia.
Who are your heroes?
Of course, my parents have always been central to my life – they taught me the importance of family, hardwork and gratitude. I would be remiss not to mention David Attenborough, whose soothing voice instilled a fondness for the natural world at a young age.