Welcome, Dara!

July 6, 2020 Updated: January 18, 2024

Dara Mysliwiec joined Lovin’ Spoonfuls as a temporary Food Rescue Coordinator last month. Read a little more about them here!

What gets you excited about food rescue? 

Few things get me more excited than redistributing wealth, improving people’s quality of life, creating a tighter sense of community, reducing waste in the U.S. and global food production system, working with a diverse team committed to similar goals, driving long distances, driving large vehicles that look too big for a 5’5” person to be driving them, reducing the amount of time I’m paid to stare at a screen, living within walking distance from my place of work, and intermittent manual labor.

What’s been the wildest (or most exciting or yummiest-looking) thing you’ve rescued so far? 

[My route so far has been] not so wild, so I will instead tell you about a great free box I (and my friends) rescued from the side of the road once. It was about the size of a milk crate and completely full with small figurine roosters. I was touring with my band, so we gave away a lot of them, or gave them to loved ones who we knew would appreciate a good rooster. I still have one left and I just took a selfie with it so you can see how lovable a figurine rooster is.

What’s your favorite thing to cook/bake?

This isn’t really cooking or baking, but I have really honed in my hummus-making process during the pandemic. I also love making people try cilantro pesto– you can really make pesto out of any herb if you just believe in yourself. My true favorite thing to cook is mystery dishes made out of leftover vegetables found neglected in the back of the fridge.

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