Lovin' Spoonfuls Joins the EPA Food Recovery Challenge!

April 14, 2015 Updated: January 18, 2024

As a food rescue agency, Lovin’ Spoonfuls is pleased to join the EPA in supporting the Food Recovery Challenge as an Endorser. The Food Recovery Challenge (FRC) is part of EPA’s Sustainable Materials Management Program, which seeks to reduce the environmental impact of materials through their entire life cycle, including how they are extracted, manufactured, distributed, used, reused, recycled, and disposed. Through the FRC, the EPA is partnering with organizations and businesses to prevent and reduce wasted food. Challenge participants save money, help communities, and protect the environment by purchasing less, donating extra food, and composting.

Many of our vendor partners – where we collect excess food – are already participants, including Hannaford Supermarkets and Whole Foods Market locations. By participating, they are able to track data on their food recovery efforts, receive a potential cost savings (via waste removal costs, tax deductions), make a positive impact on the local environment (by reducing methane in landfills), make a positive impact on the community, and provide a positive staff motivator.

As an Endorser, we are encouraging our other vendor partners to join the EPA’s efforts by participating in the Food Recovery Challenge. Participants receive national & regional recognition, as well as technical assistance from the EPA.

For more information about the Food Recovery Challenge, click here.

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