Together for community

March 8, 2021 Updated: February 24, 2025

Before the pandemic, the pantry at Selah Day Resource Center served people who are homeless. Now it’s feeding others, too: from families, to people with disabilities, to seniors – some 600-700 individuals each week.

Said Pastor Ricardo Valle, “We learned that when the community and organizations get together, everything is possible.”

But getting together in the era of social distancing isn’t without its challenges. Some of Lovin’ Spoonfuls’ long-time partners closed their doors last year in the wake of the pandemic and have yet to reopen. Said Spoonfuls’ Operations Director, Sean Ahern, requirements around occupancy and social distancing, coupled with a reduced volunteer force, forced hard decisions.

Lovin’ Spoonfuls currently partners with 170+ non- profits across Massachusetts to provide fresh, healthy food to neighbors who need it.

“Meanwhile, though, we welcomed 25 new non-profit partners who receive weekly deliveries,” said Ahern, “Adapting to the constraints of the pandemic, partners continue to pivot their models, showing incredible ingenuity, hard work and dedication to continuing the essential work of feeding our neighbors. It is truly inspiring.”

Photo by Edward Boches

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