Welcome, Jeffrey Horn!

Lovin’ Spoonfuls recently added a new Greater Boston-based Food Rescue Coordinator (FRC) to our team. Get to know Jeffrey Horn in this Q&A.

I actually found Lovin’ Spoonfuls through a friend of mine, Dara, who currently works here as an Operations Coordinator. When I was looking to move out of the automotive industry, Dara mentioned that there were openings at Spoonfuls. As they explained what Spoonfuls does, I became very intrigued as the Core Values and Inclusion Tenets really resonated with me.
I graduated in 2016 from Massachusetts’ Wheaton College with a Bachelor of Arts in Music. From there, I bounced from job to job, from computer programming at a small social media start up to the automotive industry, where I worked as a technician, then later on, an Internal Advisor. I became interested in food rescue because I have always been bothered by the existence of food deserts and food insecurity. Growing up around New York City, I was always disheartened to see food deserts. When I lived there, I experienced firsthand the difficulty of finding good quality produce and other healthy food options at a reasonable price. I never knew I could actually do something about these issues until I found Spoonfuls.
Food! I love food. I have always loved food and cooking, but mostly eating. I have always been fascinated with what makes a good quality food item, such as farm fresh zucchini for example, taste and look as good as it does. I also am trying to learn more about sustainable and ethical farming practices, both to combat food waste, but also to lower my carbon footprint.

I hope so! I personally think I’m just okay at cooking, but I always enjoy it! More recently, my favorite dish that I’ve been making is pan-seared salmon with steamed broccoli and pan-fried polenta as sides. Pictured here is another version of the dish with sauteed chard and mashed winter squash. I also really like cookware and cutlery, I’m not sure why. I love a good stainless steel pan or chef’s knife.
Lots of fresh produce, marinating chicken, and lots of different condiments!
It may be one of my first memories, but when I visited family in the Philippines when I was three, I vividly remember sitting on my lola (grandmother’s) lap and she was feeding me baked beans and rice. There’s something very comforting about that particular memory.
My parents. I have been inspired by what they both have accomplished in their lives. They taught me a lot about life, not only how to be a good person, but also why one should be. They taught me how to care for others and care for one’s community. They’ve done incredible things in their lives, and I hope to one day do the same.
Learn more about Jeffrey and the other members of Team Lovin’ on our staff page.