Welcome, Sarah!

Team Lovin’ recently added a new Food Rescue Coordinator to our team. Get to know Sarah Johnson in this Q&A.

How did you arrive at Lovin’ Spoonfuls?
I had many internships throughout my college experience that made me realize my love for non-profit work. I worked for the Baltimore Orioles for about a year until returning home to Massachusetts in early 2020. After a brief nannying stint, I decided to get back into non-profit work and found the opportunity with Lovin’ Spoonfuls!
Have there been any surprises for you in the food you’ve rescued so far?
Seeing the volume of food that would’ve otherwise been thrown out has been kind of crazy! I think it’s hard to process the real volume when it’s just a number in a statistic versus when you actually get to see all the food first hand.
Do your friends/family consider you a good cook? Any signature recipes?
I think my friends and family would consider me an okay cook but definitely not the best. I do make a mean quesadilla, though!
What would we find in your fridge now?
Whole milk, soy milk, a variety of fruits and veggies, a boatload of shredded cheese, hummus, and salsa.
What’s your favorite childhood food memory?
When I was little, my dad used to make some really amazing chicken fried rice, that was definitely always a highlight.
Who are your heroes?
Greta Thunberg, Ryan Reynolds, and (not to be cheesy!) my mom!