Welcome, Tobias Hartranft!

Lovin’ Spoonfuls recently added a new Greater Boston-based Food Rescue Coordinator (FRC) to our team. Get to know Tobias Hartranft in this Q&A.

I had been interested in making a career shift into the nonprofit space and away from office work for some time, but my plans were delayed by the pandemic. This summer, I finally decided to take the plunge and start looking for active, meaningful nonprofit work. The FRC role seemed like a great fit since I’ve done driving work in the past, love being outside, and firmly believe in Lovin’ Spoonfuls’ mission.
I’ve been interested in climate change for many years, and my research on that subject introduced me to the concept of food rescue. I think it is an important piece of the puzzle for reducing waste, correcting social inequity, and helping fulfill the human rights of people in our communities. It is a worthy goal that addresses a wide range of problems.
I believe with all my heart that food is a human right and that there is no excuse for food insecurity in a society where some people have so much. On a smaller and more personal level, I really love driving, working outside, staying active, and meeting people who devote their time to helping others. Being an FRC lets me do all those things!
I’m not a very versatile cook, but my salmon teriyaki and rigatoni bolognese are well regarded. I made the latter at a bachelor party weekend over the summer and it made a big splash.
Right now, I’ve been on a big pan dinner kick – a chicken thigh with potatoes, Brussels sprouts, and other greens mixed in is a simple meal, but one that always works for me.
As a kid, my mom would take me to an old supermarket chain called Bread & Circus. Sometimes, I’d get a maple sugar cream pie for good behavior – two chewy oatmeal cookies, maple sugar frosting between them, nice and cold from the refrigerator. I don’t think Bread & Circus exists anymore. I miss those sandwiches so much!
I really like revolutionary artists. I admire the poet and playwright Federico Garcia Lorca and the painter Francisco Goya. The Third of May, 1808 is one of my favorite paintings. I’m also way into Khalil Gibran; The Prophet is among my favorite books and I reread it every few years. I think artists and writers are so cool, especially when their work raises social consciousness, challenges hierarchies, and calls for peace.
Learn more about Tobias and the other members of Team Lovin’ on our staff page.