Welcome, Christy!

August 27, 2020 Updated: February 24, 2025

Christine (Christy) Wright joined the Spoonfuls’ team earlier this month as Food Rescue Coordinator, working in our MetroWest region. Welcome aboard, Christy!

Tell us three fun facts about you!

1) I will eat just about anything. Truly. As far out as squid ink pasta and raw oysters, homemade fermented experiments and unusual flavor combinations. But don’t you dare try to make me to eat celery. I draw the line there. 2) During the Great Quarantine of 2020, I perfected my banana bread recipe. The secret? Sour cream! 3) I used to work with a farm-to-table church where we baked over 100 loaves of fresh bread out of a standard kitchen oven for an event later that day – an event we all were asked to attend. We started at 3 a.m. and finished just in time, capping off an 18-hour day.

What passions do you bring to the job?

From an early age, I used to meet my required school reading expectations by checking out cookbooks from the library, flying through them, and returning them to check out a new one every other day. Now that I’ve started my own collection of cookbooks, they’ve expanded to include food culture and anthropology as well as holistic health; social, economic, racial, and environmental justice; cooking and eating as spiritual practices; and community organizing. I also run a really fun podcast with a couple of friends exploring the intersectional nature of food. So I guess I’m passionate about food and access, maybe a little?

Do your friends and family consider you a good cook? Any signature recipes?

I love cooking for others, and I hope people enjoy it! It’s one of the ways I express love. My favorite recipes are ones that involve whatever is already in the fridge and pantry. At the farm-to-table dinner church, our produce haul would be different every week. So we had to make due with what we had, most often turning to a myriad of vegetarian and vegan soups – and lots of miso thrown in for good measure. Any challenge of resources has the potential to make the best dishes because it requires creativity and straying away from set recipes. When we draw outside the lines, even just a little bit, it invites others to join us in our collaborative and creative endeavors. Life becomes an open table and sacred feast for all.

What would we find in your refrigerator right now?

A good friend of mine has sung the praises of restaurant style pint- and quart-containers, and now I can’t stop labeling and dating. You’ll find a few leftovers stacked up; local produce from the weekly farmer’s market; way too many jars of condiments including miso, tahini, chili crisp, and hot sauces; and perhaps a cold beer or two.

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